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Job Vacancies in the UK
Vacancy in Canada
Power Engineers
Specific Skills: Operate automated or computerized control systems, Monitor and inspect plant equipment, Measure temperature, fuel flow and pressure, Analyze and record instrument readings and equipment malfunction, Troubleshoot, perform corrective action or minor repairs as required, Clean and lubricate machinery and components, Maintain daily log of operation, maintenance and safety activities, Write plant or building operation reports, Assist in the development of operation, maintenance and safety procedures, Use computerized Preventive Maintenance System. Additional Skills: Instruct apprentices, Coordinate maintenance activities of trade contractors, Read electrical schematics, blueprints and other technical diagrams


Specific Requirements
Education: Completion of high school, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Power Engineering Trade Certification, Stationary Engineer 1st Class, Stationary Engineer 2nd Class, Stationary Engineer 3rd Class, Stationary Engineer 4th Class, Driver's License

Language Skills
Read write speak english

Required Documents
Education: Completion of high school, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Power Engineering Trade Certification, Stationary Engineer 1st Class, Stationary Engineer 2nd Class, Stationary Engineer 3rd Class, Stationary Engineer 4th Class, Driver's License

Additional Information:
Salary: $7,169.00 to $7,960.00 Monthly for 40 hours per week, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Disability Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, Pension Plan Benefits, RRSP Benefits Location: Fort McMurray, Alberta

Two references are required.
Start Date: 1 Aug 2008
Apply Now

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Mamy doslownie tysiace ofert pracy w Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii. Poszukujemy dobrze wykwalifikowanych kandydatow gotowych podpisac kontrakt na conajmniej jeden rok pracy w UK.

Personel hotelowy/restauracyjny
Opieka nad osobami starszymi
Pracownicy budowlani
Spawacze, pracownicy inzynierii

Prosimy zlozyc aplikacje online u www.rtpconsulting.co.uk

W ten sposob wejdziesz do naszej bazy danych co pozwoli nam dopasowac najlepsze oferty do Twoich kwalifikacji.

Jezeli nie znajdujesz u nas odpowiedniej posady, i tak mozesz zlozyc u nas CV i skontakujemy sie z Toba w momencie gdy odpowiednia posada sie znajdzie.

Jezeli nie jestes w stanie wypelnic calej ankiety, prosimy na tyle ile sie da. Ewentualnie sie skontakujemy dla uzyskania dalszych informacji.


CV online

Zdjecie online richard@rtpconsulting.co.uk z podaniem imienia i nazwiska

Dwie referencje (jedna od bylego pracodawcy lub od uczelni, jezeli dopiero co zdobyles dyplom/kwalifikacje)

Zaswiadczenie o niekaralnosci z kraju skad pochodzisz

Zaswiadczenie lekarskie

Zeskanowana kopia prawa jazdy lub innej kwalifikacji

Nie bedziesz mogl podjac pracy bez dostarczania powyzszej dokumentacji